*본 포스팅은 SLiPP 스터디를 진행하면서 위키 작성을 위해 작성하였습니다. SLiPP 충성충성~^^7
python 3.6
pip 18
pip install sqlite
pip install pandas
pip install jupyter
jupyter notebook 을 이용해 작성하였습다
Table order_list
order_date | text | yyyyMMdd |
order_type | number | 주문타입 (매수 = '1' / 매도 = '2') |
item_code | text | 품번 |
hoga | text | 호가 (지정가: '00', 시장가: '03') |
text | 수량 |
price | text | 가격 |
status | number | 상태 (주문 전 : '0' , 주문완료 : '1') |
* count 를 컬럼명으로 썻더니 dataframe의 count와 겹치더라.. 바꾸자
소스에는 적용 안되있던둡
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("C:/PROJECT/../conn.db")
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE order_list(order_date text,order_type number, item_code text, hoga text, count text, price text, status number)")
cursor.execute("insert into order_list values ('20181106',1,'035720','03','10','0',0)")
cursor.execute("insert into order_list values ('20181106',1,'039490','03','10','0',0)")
cursor.execute("insert into order_list values ('20181106',1,'035720','03','10','0',0)")
cursor.execute("insert into order_list values ('20181106',2,'035720','03','10','0',0)")
#코드에는 이 테이블을 적용하지 않았지만, 만들어는 봄
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("C:/PROJECT/1_OJT_ENM/문서/TESt/conn.db")
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE common_code( main_ctg text, second_ctg text, code_name text)")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('order_type','1','매수')")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('order_type','2','매도')")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('hoga','01','호가')")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('hoga','03','시장가')")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('status','1','주문완료')")
cursor.execute("insert into common_code values ('status','0','주문전')")
#"SELECT order_date
, (select code_name from common_code where main_ctg = 'order_type' and second_ctg = order_type) as order_type
, item_code
, (select code_name from common_code where main_ctg = 'hoga' and second_ctg = hoga) as hoga
, count
, (select code_name from common_code where main_ctg = 'status' and second_ctg = status) as status
from order_list
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
con = sqlite3.connect("C:/Users/eunbi/pyTrader/conn.db")
#1. cursor fetch 이용
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM order_list")
cursor.fetchone() #한 row만 가져옴
cursor.fetchall() # fetchOne 이후 나머지 row들을 가져옴
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM order_list")
cursor.fetchall() # 나머지 row들을 가져옴
#pandas dataframe 이용
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM order_list", con, index_col=None)
print(df.loc[0]) # i번째 index를 가져옴
count_row = df.shape[0] # gives number of row count
acount_col = df.shape[1] # gives number of col count
for d in df.iterrows():
#d[0] = index number
트레이딩 시스템 함수 변경
def readSQLite(self):
con = sqlite3.connect("C:/Users/eunbi/pyTrader/conn.db")
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM order_list", con, index_col=None)
#row Count 설정
row_count = df.shape[0]
# read sql
for i in range(0, df.shape[0]):
for j in range(0, df.shape[1]):
# 종목명 출력
item = QTableWidgetItem(self.getCodeName(str(df.loc[i][j]), j))
item.setTextAlignment(Qt.AlignVCenter | Qt.AlignCenter)
self.tableWidget_3.setItem(i, j, item)
# resizing
쿼리로 처리했으면 좋겟지만,
테이블이 추가로 필요해서 일단 하드코딩
def getCodeName(self, code, index):
dic = [None # order_date
, {'1': '매수', '2': '매도'} # order_type
, 'ItemCode' # item_code
, {'03': '시장가', '01': '호가'} # hoga
, None # quantity
, None # price
, {'0': '주문안함', '1': '주문완료'}] # status
if dic[index] == 'ItemCode':
return self.kiwoom.get_master_code_name(code)
if dic[index] == None:
return str(code)
return dic[index][code]
* 주문
def trade_stock_sqlite(self):
# account
account = self.comboBox.currentText()
#db 연동
con = sqlite3.connect("C:/Users/eunbi/pyTrader/conn.db")
cursor = con.cursor()
df = pd.read_sql("SELECT * FROM order_list", con, index_col=None)
for d in df.iterrows():
# 1= true(매수완료), 0 = false(매수안함)
# 1일땐 매수 완료이므로 pass
if d[1].status:
# 주문타입 (매수 = '0' / 매도 = '1')
# 주문정보 전송
self.kiwoom.send_order("send_order_req", "0101", account, d[1].order_type, d[1].item_code, d[1].count, d[1].price, d[1].hoga, "")
# 주문한 컬럼 업데이트
cursor.execute("update order_list set status='1' where order_date = '" + d[
1].order_date + "' and order_type = '" + str(d[1].order_type) + "' and item_code = '" + d[
1].item_code + "'")
#출력하는 함수?
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